Fall Vocabulary | Sada kartiček | Guessing game

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Prodávající Dominika Klapková
Naposledy upraveno:
25. 8. 2022

Tato sada 24 kartiček s podzimní slovní zásobou je fajn způsob, jak tematicky začít nebo uzavřít toto roční období :-)

Tento produkt obsahuje:

  • 24 kartiček
  • To znamená 24 hlavních slov + 4 pomocná slova na každé kartičce
  • Černobílá i barevná verze


There are several ways how to use these cards, however, here are 2 of my students’ favourites.

  1. Divide class into groups of 3-4. For each group, make a copy and cut out the individual cards. 
  2. Each group gets a set of cards. One of them is guessing the main word while the rest is explaining the word using the hint words below the main one. After each card groups change the person who‘s guessing.

The group that guesses all the words first wins the game. 

To make it hard, tell students they cannot use the hint words.


  1. Print a set of the cards and cut them out. 
  2. For each round one student comes to the board, picks a card and explains the main word using the hint words. 


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Fall Vocabulary | Sada kartiček | Guessing game Fall Vocabulary | Sada kartiček | Guessing game
Tato sada 24 kartiček s podzimní slovní zásobou je fajn způsob, jak tematicky začít nebo uzavřít toto roční období :-) Tento produkt obsahuje: 24 kartiček To znamená 24 hlavních slov + 4 pomocná slova na každé kartičce Černobílá i barevná verze Instrukce: There are several ways how to use these cards, however, here are 2 of my students’ favourites. Divide class into groups of 3-4. For each group, make a copy and cut out the individual cards.  Each group gets a set of cards. One of them is guessing the main word while the rest is explaining the word using the hint words below the main one. After each card groups change the person who‘s guessing. The group that guesses all the words first wins the game.  To make it hard, tell students they cannot use the hint words. Or Print a set of the cards and cut them out.  For each round one student comes to the board, picks a card and explains the main word using the hint words.   
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