FOREST ANIMALS - English flash cards

The picture cards will be useful for children and students of all ages whose studies involve the topic of forest animals. They can be used in science lessons, language learning, or with younger children as demonstration cards to help expand vocabulary. This set of flash cards is also available in Czech language.

The set includes 48 A7-sized cards and a picture of a forest and a lake in A4 size. These can serve as teaching aids if you wish to sort the cards according to a key of your choice.

The set is available for download in A4 landscape format. All images are in high print quality. You can easily print them on a home printer; we recommend choosing color printing and laminating or backing the cards to extend their lifespan and make handling easier for both you and the students.

**NOTE:** This is a digital product, so you will not receive any physical goods. Instead, you will receive a link to download the digital file. We hope that downloading and using the activities will be easy for you, but if you encounter any issues, please let us know, and we will be happy to help resolve them.


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FOREST ANIMALS - English flash cards FOREST ANIMALS - English flash cards
The picture cards will be useful for children and students of all ages whose studies involve the topic of forest animals. They can be used in science lessons, language learning, or with younger children as demonstration cards to help expand vocabulary. This set of flash cards is also available in Czech language.The set includes 48 A7-sized cards and a picture of a forest and a lake in A4 size. These can serve as teaching aids if you wish to sort the cards according to a key of your choice.The set is available for download in A4 landscape format. All images are in high print quality. You can easily print them on a home printer; we recommend choosing color printing and laminating or backing the cards to extend their lifespan and make handling easier for both you and the students.
**NOTE:** This is a digital product, so you will not receive any physical goods. Instead, you will receive a link to download the digital file. We hope that downloading and using the activities will be easy for you, but if you encounter any issues, please let us know, and we will be happy to help resolve them.
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