FRUITS - English flash cards

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Prodávající Cukrkavalimonada
Naposledy upraveno:
21. 11. 2024

Picture cards will be useful for children and students of all ages whose education involves the topic of fruit. They can be used in primary education, language teaching, or with younger children as demonstration cards to help expand vocabulary.

The set includes 32 A7-sized cards and a picture of a basket and a jar in A4 size. These can serve as teaching aids if you want to sort the cards according to your chosen criteria (by type of fruit, by initial letter, or perhaps in combination with picture cards of vegetables).

Small note: The set also includes a melon and a tomato, whose classification as fruit or vegetable is not entirely clear-cut. We've left the decision up to you, so you can choose whether to keep them in the set or not. 

The set is prepared for download in A4 landscape format. All images are in high print quality. They can be easily printed on a home printer; we recommend choosing color printing and laminating or backing the cards to extend their lifespan and make handling easier for both you and your students.



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FRUITS - English flash cards FRUITS - English flash cards
Picture cards will be useful for children and students of all ages whose education involves the topic of fruit. They can be used in primary education, language teaching, or with younger children as demonstration cards to help expand vocabulary.The set includes 32 A7-sized cards and a picture of a basket and a jar in A4 size. These can serve as teaching aids if you want to sort the cards according to your chosen criteria (by type of fruit, by initial letter, or perhaps in combination with picture cards of vegetables).Small note: The set also includes a melon and a tomato, whose classification as fruit or vegetable is not entirely clear-cut. We've left the decision up to you, so you can choose whether to keep them in the set or not. 
The set is prepared for download in A4 landscape format. All images are in high print quality. They can be easily printed on a home printer; we recommend choosing color printing and laminating or backing the cards to extend their lifespan and make handling easier for both you and your students.
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