Winter activities and sports

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Prodávající Denisa Foltýnová
Naposledy upraveno:
31. 12. 2023

It is a teaching–educational material/brochure for kindergarten according to RVP PV and is created to serve to fulfill educational plans and achieve educational goals. Material/brochure contains 4 different areas of activities and each focuses on the development of the child's personality in different areas.

Main educational area of RVP PV:

Child and his body

Objective: Develop motor skills and improve the skills in the field of fine motor skills (coordination and range of movement, hand coordination and eye, etc.)

Estimated relations to other areas of RVP PV:

  • Child and his psyche - Objective: to support vocabulary development in children in winter sports.
  • Child and the other - Objective: to develop in children the ability to work with other children.
  • Child and Society - Objective: Develop a skill to follow the rules in communication with others.
  • Child and the world - Objective: to create elementary awareness of wider natural, cultural and technical environment, their diversity, development and constant transformations

Expected output:
a) Expected product - educational (enriched vocabulary), material (finished worksheet, finished coloring book)
b) Expected competences:

  • Competence for learning - I suppose the child will recognize that he can learn a lot and that he will rejoice in what he has done and managed. An experience of experience
  • Competence to solve problems - I assume that the child will distinguish between solutions that are functional (leading to the goal) and solutions that are not functional. Skill component
  • Communicative competence - I suppose the child will understand that being communicative, helpful, initiative and active is an advantage. Component attitude

Instructions for working with the material

Activity Name: Winter Activities File

The file contains:

  • 12 A5 demonstration pictures of winter activities (laminate them and cut them out)
  • 10 coloring pages, each on A4
  • 10 worksheets (each with a task for children)
  • 20 cards Clothespin Activity  (black and white) - Print the file and I recommend laminating it. Cut out the individual cards. Prepare your clothespins. For cards with dots (numbers), the children have the task of adding a peg to the number of dots that indicates the number of objects in the large rectangle.

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Winter activities and sports Winter activities and sports
It is a teaching–educational material/brochure for kindergarten according to RVP PV and is created to serve to fulfill educational plans and achieve educational goals. Material/brochure contains 4 different areas of activities and each focuses on the development of the child's personality in different areas. Main educational area of RVP PV: Child and his body Objective: Develop motor skills and improve the skills in the field of fine motor skills (coordination and range of movement, hand coordination and eye, etc.) Estimated relations to other areas of RVP PV: Child and his psyche - Objective: to support vocabulary development in children in winter sports. Child and the other - Objective: to develop in children the ability to work with other children. Child and Society - Objective: Develop a skill to follow the rules in communication with others. Child and the world - Objective: to create elementary awareness of wider natural, cultural and technical environment, their diversity, development and constant transformations Expected output: a) Expected product - educational (enriched vocabulary), material (finished worksheet, finished coloring book) b) Expected competences: Competence for learning - I suppose the child will recognize that he can learn a lot and that he will rejoice in what he has done and managed. An experience of experience Competence to solve problems - I assume that the child will distinguish between solutions that are functional (leading to the goal) and solutions that are not functional. Skill component Communicative competence - I suppose the child will understand that being communicative, helpful, initiative and active is an advantage. Component attitude Instructions for working with the material Activity Name: Winter Activities File The file contains: 12 A5 demonstration pictures of winter activities (laminate them and cut them out) 10 coloring pages, each on A4 10 worksheets (each with a task for children) 20 cards Clothespin Activity  (black and white) - Print the file and I recommend laminating it. Cut out the individual cards. Prepare your clothespins. For cards with dots (numbers), the children have the task of adding a peg to the number of dots that indicates the number of objects in the large rectangle.
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